ASN new


Phase sequence change identification

Phase disconnection identification

phase voltage asymmetry identification

Network voltage reduction identification

Instant disconnection at the time of fault occurrence

Connection Time selection capability, after error correction

Signals that display various errors and normal status

Protection of electro motors against network faults


- Phase disconnection

- Phase disclacement

- Voltage decrease more than the allowed limit.

- 3phoase voliage asymmetry more than allowed limits

- The consecutive power connection and disconnection shock


 Principles of Operation


Affer connecting Null to MP terminal and phases to the T.3.R terminals. the device begins to operate. After each enor comection. the device begins timing. At the end of adjusted time (DELAY). OUT signal geis ON and device intemal relay gets connected (intemal contact of terminal 15 to 18 is made).

Attention: If the status of the 3 phases is not normal. the timing does not begin.

Incase cfaneror(suchosvoltage decrease. phase disconnection andorphase displacement) in 34ohase network. the foult signal gets on. and the intemal relay also gets disconnected simultaneously by the tum off of the output sgnal (intemal contact of terminal 15 to 16 is made.

Attention: in case of the existence of an emor in S-phase network at the beginning of the operation. the related signal wil remain on and the intemal relay will not get connected.


Fault Signals


Error Signals are as below description:

VOLT: It gets on once the three phase voltage decreases to lower than 300 V.

SEQU: It gets on once the sequence of network phases changes.

ASY.V: It gets on once the network gets 2 phase or the asymmetry between phase voltages exceed the adjusted limit (by ASY.V handle).


“Installation and Start-Up


The 3 phases and Null wil get connected to R.S.T and MP terminals of phase control Relay The 15 and 18 terminab ore being seried in the circuit same as stop push-button.

Attention: Bimetal contact or Borna load control relay type OLM (in case of its existence) will be serried by stop push-button

In case after the installation of the device. SEQU signal (phase sequence) gets on. the two phases on the phase control terminals should be replaced (for example § should be replaced by R) so that the signal gets off.

By the occurence of each of the above mentioned errors. the internal relay immediately gets disconnected and ofter resolving the error. the relay will get connected after being adjusted by the DELAY handle. Asymmetry identification between 3 phase voltages will be adjusted by ASYV handle. Usually adjusting the sensitivity level on 3304 is suitable.

Attention: Note that the Phase Control Relay does not directly connect and disconnect the 3 phase. but it command the contactor to connect or disconnect.

Attention: Make sure that cubicle Null is precisely connected to the Network Null


Technical $pecifications


Supply Voltage: 380 VAC +10%. -20%

Frequency: 50 Hz +5Hz

Internal Loss: 3 w

ON Delay: 1 te 40 seconds. adjustable by DELAY handle

Phase Asymmetry: 300-360 Volt. adjustable by ASY.V handle

Relative Humidity: 15% to 85% (according to IEC 721-3-3 Class 3k3)

Output Relay: Single-C/O contact » eo : & Rated Current: 6 A / 250VAC continuous